How to Improve Landing Page Conversion Rate?

Sonal Agrawal
Sonal Agrawal

Director of Growth, Airtory

Published on: 02 Jun 2021

Reading time: 5 minutes

Conversion is one of the main elements in the paid strategy that brands curate for the online marketing of their products and services. Conversion means turning the users into buyers at a high rate. With the help of conversion rate optimisation, marketers can maximise their paid online marketing spend by finding the key selling point that convinces the prospect the most.  

However, a question that runs on every brand marketer’s mind is what is a good conversion rate? It is said that a good conversion rate of a landing page stands somewhere at 26%. However, some landing pages have a conversion rate of 10% or less, which is more than sufficient for many businesses while others strive for more. Some of the landing pages have even reported exceeding this number by quite a margin, owing to their brilliant landing page optimization. (Source)

How to Calculate Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

Landing page conversion rates are easy to calculate. All you need is information about two things and you can calculate the conversion rate in just a fraction of time. The two things that you need are –

  1. Number of people that visited your landing page
  2. Number of people that converted on your offer. You can track these using conversion trackers on the user action.

Once you have this information, you need to divide the number of people who converted to buyers by the total number of visitors multiplied by 100.

Landing page conversion rate = (Number of conversions/Total number of visitors)*100

If you have two or more landing pages, you can calculate the landing page conversion rate in the same way and make a note of all the rates to see which is performing better and which one needs revision. Comparing your landing pages based on the conversion rates will help you figure out elements that resonate with the users. Some users may not like text-heavy pages, while some might; it gives you the benefit of identifying what works the best with the online audiences. There are landing page builders available today that you can use for creating optimized landing pages. Airtory’s landing page builder is one of the most preferred choices as it gives the advertiser a single platform to create dedicated landing pages and build online ads while giving the ease of managing both simultaneously.

Tips for Increasing Landing Page Conversion Rate

  • Analyze your Data

The first thing that you must do is analyze the data of your landing page. The conversion rate is just a part of the data; it doesn’t tell the entire story. You need to analyze data about various other aspects as well. Some of them include the amount of time the visitor spent on the page, how far they scroll, or if they engaged with any other element on the page. This will help in landing page conversion optimization, giving you a better idea of improving the rate. For this, you can generate user behavior reports from the website that tells you how the user behaves once they land on the page. For example, if you check recordings, it will show the accurate mouse movements or clicks that the user makes. You can also find out if the user filled the form or where they stopped, and much more.

  • Find out the Way of Navigation

Another great tip on how to improve landing page conversion rate is finding out how the user navigates to your site. Website navigation plays an important role in making your landing pages work. There are instances where the user may land on your page through your social media pages or direct Google search. However, there are also possibilities that a user came to your landing page from a third-party website, forum, and so on. So, you need to check the user's navigation route as it will help you know where you can place your ads in the future and lead to better landing page conversion rate optimization.

  • Keep Distractions at Bay

While making landing pages eye-catchy is important, ensuring that the landing pages don’t have distractions is more necessary. This is a tip on how to improve landing page conversion percentage that you must absolutely follow. Too many elements can lead to confusion amongst the users, leading to them doing the opposite of what you want. This is the last thing that you want. Always try to keep the landing page minimal with designs and color themes. When it comes to the content and copy, make sure that you use simple language.

Ensure that your banner copy is catchy but clear on point while the content is not confusing. Keep the CTA buttons simple; don’t try to put them all over the page as users will get confused about where to click and where not to. Keep it simple and increase your landing page conversion percentage effortlessly.

  • Adjust your Sales Funnel

Timing is as critical as a user for the success of your landing page. Targeting your landing page to the wrong potential customers will not lead to conversion and trying to convert the right potential customers at the wrong time will also not lead to conversion. For better landing page conversion optimization, you can think of the traditional sales funnel – as the user gets closer to the bottom level of the funnel, the desires and requirements may change. They may get closer to buying your product or skipping it. Hence, you must adjust your sales funnel. Try to keep minimum levels in such a way that the users don’t overthink or under-think their decision.

Adding to this, make sure that the load time of your page is optimal; it will help you to increase your landing page conversion rate by notches. Also, make sure that the page is compatible with mobiles and tablets, and so on. You can also integrate a live chat option on your landing page that gives a more personalized feel and the users can get their queries cleared right away.

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