Types of Rich Media Ads to Improve Retail Media Network Campaigns

Types of Rich Media Ads to Improve Retail Media Network Campaigns

Julian Frachtman
Julian Frachtman

Chief Executive Officer, Airtory

Published on: 12 Jul 2024

Reading time: 5 minutes

This is a digital age where more and more people are moving online for most of their needs. An increasing number of people are also shopping online than ever before. The shift to online shopping was already underway, but the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant lockdowns across the world acted as accelerants for the shift. This shift in consumer behavior has also affected how brands connect with their target audience and how they promote their products and services. Brands have become accustomed to targeting and engaging audiences through website advertising and through social media platforms, but today, retail media network marketing is demanding attention. As e-commerce continues to grow, retail media advertising is becoming increasingly important for digital marketing strategies for brands to stay visible and relevant, and drive sales in a competitive online marketplace. When marketing across retail networks, rich media advertising can be a good addition to ensure the success of retail media network ad strategies.

What Is the Definition of Retail Media and Retail Media Networks?

Ads that are featured on retail marketplaces or websites are called retail media ads and as per their definition, the retailers that host these ads are referred to as retail media networks. The top advantage of such retail media platforms is that they allow advertisers to position their product ads as consumer shops. As this is done very close to the point of sale, when audiences are actively seeking out relevant products, they are more likely to convert. On retail networks, an ad is generally placed on high-traffic pages, like the product page or the checkout page.

Some of the top xamples of retail media networks where advertisers can place their ads include Amazon Advertising, Walmart Connect, eBay, Flipkart, The Home Depot, etc. Retail media companies, that operate these networks, leverage the vast amount of shopper data they collect to provide highly targeted advertising opportunities. This data can include browsing history, purchase history, demographics, and even loyalty program information, allowing advertisers to reach consumers who are already interested in similar products.

Benefits of Retail Media Networks

Retail media platforms offer an array of benefits that can help businesses thrive in the competitive digital landscape. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Increased Sales Potential

Advertising on a retail media network allows advertisers to get their ads in front of their target audience with ease. Being close to the point of purchase makes it more likely to convert, leading to more sales.

  1. Enhanced Brand Visibility

The best examples of retail media network marketing have proved to be extremely beneficial for brand visibility. Ads on a retail media network that target the right audience help increase brand exposure and get a higher number of quality views, helping leave a lasting impression on the audience.

  1. Data-Driven Insights

Retail media companies possess valuable first-party data on their customer base, allowing brands to use these insights to make more data-driven decisions to improve their marketing strategies and overall performance. Using the information provided by the retail media network you can target the most relevant audience base as well.

  1. Enhanced Customer Experience

With personalized and targeted ads on retail networks, you can tailor the ad content to match individual preferences, behaviors, and purchase history, ensuring that each customer receives messages that resonate with their needs.

How Rich Media Can Help Take Your Campaign to the Next Level

Rich media advertising is a form of advertising that uses interactive elements, such as videos, audio, etc., to encourage interactions with users. Unlike text or display ads, rich media ads offer a more immersive experience to users, leading to higher interaction rates, increased conversions, high click-through rates, and better performance metrics.

By incorporating rich media in their retail network ad campaigns, advertisers can create more compelling, interactive, and impactful ad content that stands out from the competition, driving brand awareness while increasing user engagement.

Top Rich Media Ad Formats

Here are some of the top rich media ad formats that you can consider for your retail network ad campaigns:

Responsive Ads

These ads involve a highly responsive advertising technique that adjusts ads automatically to fit screens of different sizes and devices to enhance users’ viewing experiences.

Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads are a full-screen master ad format that attracts attention owing to its widescreen attribute. The ads cover the entire screen, which makes them hard to miss. These ads can also include animations and other interactive elements to make them more engaging.

Sticky Banner Ads 

Rich media sticky banner ads are different from simple text banners or display banners and they are more likely to be seen as they stay fixed on the screen as the user scrolls or explores the page. Furthermore, the rich media elements that are integrated into the ad unit work to attract the attention of the viewers, compelling them to interact with the ad.

Expandable Ads

Expandable ads start at standard sizes but expand to a larger size for better visibility. These ads can help maximize reach. The ad generally expands when a user performs a specific action, which can be hovering over the ad or clicking it

Video ads

Video ads are the popular choice in rich media as they deliver the message in the most effective and preferred way. They can captivate audiences with dynamic visuals, compelling storytelling, and engaging content.

Page Takeovers

Page takeovers take up a large space of the page without actually covering any content. The ads can appear in the background or on either side of the content. Since the ads take over a large amount of space, they are hard to miss, making them a great option for building brand awareness, driving traffic, and increasing the click-through rate.

Playable ads

Playable ads are an interactive ad format that uses mini-games or challenges to engage users and encourage them to interact with the ad. By offering users a hands-on and entertaining way to interact with the ad content, playable ads stand out as a highly effective ad format for driving engagement and boosting brand awareness.

Dynamic Creative Optimization

Dynamic creative optimization involves creating ads that automatically adjust the content, graphics, and other elements of an ad unit based on user behavior, preferences, and context in real time. These ads are highly targeted and can deliver tailored messages to specific audiences, increasing relevance and engagement rates.

By incorporating a variety of rich media ad formats into retail media network ad campaigns, brands can engage shoppers more effectively, deliver a more memorable brand experience, and ultimately drive sales. They can also use programmatic creative platforms, such as Airtory, to further enhance these efforts by streamlining the ad creation process.

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